Scotland Yard CID Commander said crime on wane, added American FBI "methods of investigation are quite different from ours. Ours, perhaps, are more genteel."

Judge Stable, Bucks Assizes, Aylesbury, on charges concerning men and boys, "I don't know what is happening to this nation. The percentage of cases of this class which we have to try today is absolutely terrifying. If this evil is allowed to spread it will corrupt the men of the nation."

SERIOUS CHARGE, play by Philip King (also co-author of current SAILOR BEWARE) at Garrick Theatre, London, praised by critics. Vicar falsely accused by boy of indecency.

Vyvyan Holland, Oscar Wilde's son, whose memoirs appeared last year, declared bankrupt. Had considerable income from father's works 'til 1950 when copyright expired.

18-year-old airman tried, acquitted, after surviving suicide pact with close friend who shared interest in music, religion.


Canterbury bachelors boycotted council-built bachelor flats when girls became eligible: flats all taken by girls.

Folks in Shirleydrive amazed to discover "Old Jimmy" Wildsmith (they'd known him for years) was a woman. Secret out when Jimmy hospitalized for dogbite on ear. 84year-old "man's" wife died earlier, leaving him living with wedded daughter. No sex-change, doctors


A popular vicar hanged self after charges regarding two boys . . . A vicar walked out on baptism because one godparent wasn't churchmember . . . Birmingham parents demonstrated angrily when officials slow to fire teacher found guilty of importuning... British gob in Dutch for using head to butt an admiral in stomach... Court bailiff and lorry driver arrested in Turkish

bath on complaint of another man . . . East End Fitzroy Tavern described in court as vice den . . Driver on trial for blackmailing unnamed doctor... Two sailors plead guilty in death of actor, get off easy on evidence actor was homosexual

.. The Queen, who'll soon cross rural Bridge of Ballaglonney, expected by locals to bow to resident fairies or suffer dire consequences

Hartley Street specialist raised stir by admitting he'd been artificially inseminating childless wives via anonymous donors. . . MP's attack lawyers who bleed clients dry by needlessly dragging proceedings.


Michigan wildly upset by murder of boy scout, object of statewide search before body found in midAugust. Police made flare with announcement a young scout leader at camp had Calif. sex deviate record, admitted acts last year with two scouts tho he'd since reformed and married. Lie detector tests and word of witnesses with him at time of murder indicated his innocence. Description of man allegedly seen with scout hinted connection with earlier sex-murder of 7-year-old girl. Police calling scout camps pervert nests brought angry retorts from Scout officials.

Gallipolis, Ohio sheriff got year, county jail, alleged immoral proposal to young airman . . . Police roundup of 66 so-called "undesirables" in Times Square.

Six WAC's at Ft. Jackson, S. C., "undesirably" discharged after twoweek hunt following report a WAC tried suicide to escape immoral pursuers . . . Five reserve women Marines in Santa Ana, Calif. appealed to congressman after being denied legal counsel in similar discharges

Appeal of two sailors (discharged for homosexual association) denied by SF Judge who said,
